Time Cockpit Blog

Changing the UI technology from WPF/Silverlight to HTML/JavaScript in a large project is a real challange especially for a rather small team like ours. At this year's dotnet Cologne conferenceI did a session about the architectural decisions we made. Additionally, I spoke about how we organize the project so that it can run smoothly side by side to our daily business.  Read more ...

In this video I show an end-to-end example for programming with Visual Studio Online "Monaco". Monaco is currently in preview available for Windows Azure Websites. The sample uses TypeScript and AngularJS. Everything is done in the browser: Editing, compiling, package management, etc. The sample accesses an early prototype of the OData provider of time cockpit.  Read more ...

Extensibility is an important aspect of time cockpit and its underlying framework CoFX. In this article I share a training slide deck that I use in CoFX trainings to describe the CoFX data model.  Read more ...

Today I will do a session at Microsoft TechEd Europe 2010 in Berlin. In the next few paragraphs I want to quickly summarize the introduction of the talk for those of you who are interested but did not make it to Berlin.  Read more ...